商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | 娉ㄥ唽 鐧诲綍 | 手机站 网址:doudabing1991.qy6.com 供应Supply of soybean meal_滨州市龙飞工贸有限公司
联系人:何晴 女士 (外贸员)
电 话:0543-3376998
手 机:18266592628


供应Supply of soybean meal



粗蛋白质≥44.0% 粗纤维≤5.0% 水份≤12.0% 灰分≤8.0% 益生菌活菌数10.0亿个/克



Soy flake

Quality standard:

Crude protein≥44.0%, Crude Fibre≤5.0%, Moisture≤12.0%, Crude Ash≤8.0%

Product description:

This product is full of nutrition. It isrich in amino acid, peptide and vitamin and so on. The crude fiber in soybeanmeal has been depredated and softened effectively, so it can remove the actionof the anti-nutritional factors and the nutritive element can be made the most.The soybean meal can promote the growth of the pig, poultry and ruminant animalseffectively, improve the micro-environment of the intestinal canal and enforcetheir immunizing power. As the result of this product can improve feedconversion ratio and the utilization rate of the nitrogen, ammonia and indolescompound in animal waste will reduce greatly and improve the raise environment.

何晴 女士 (外贸员)  
电  话: 0543-3376998
传  真:
移动电话: 18266592628
公司地址: 中国山东滨州市黄河二路653号
邮  编: 256600
公司主页: http://doudabing1991.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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滨州市龙飞工贸有限公司 公司地址:中国山东滨州市黄河二路653号
何晴 女士 (外贸员) 电话:0543-3376998 传真:
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